Commonwealth v. J.M.

Police were on patrol on Beechwood Street when they attempted to pull J.M. over for driving a car with dark tinted windows. J.M. allegedly failed to stop for police and struck a parked car. After doing so, he fled on foot with police in pursuit. During the chase, J.M. allegedly discarded a firearm, which was recovered by police and J.M. was apprehended. Police then searched J.M.’s vehicle and recovered numerous packets of narcotics and money, The defense obtained the officer’s body worn cameras and filed a motion to suppress evidence. After confronting the officer with footage that clearly showed one was able to see through the “dark tinted windows”, the trial judge found that the officers were not credible and ordered all evidence, including the gun and drugs suppressed as fruit of an illegal stop. J.M., who was on federal supervised release, had all charges dismissed against him and he was released from custody.