Oct 16

Commonwealth v. D.W.

Commonwealth v. D.W.

D.W. was arrested after his ex-girlfriend reported to police that he intentionally drove his car into a wall in an attempt to seriously injure her and her five year-old child. She claimed to have suffered injuries to her head, neck and back, and claimed that the child was injured as well. Additionally, she produced an email to detectives that purported to be from D.W. after the incident, which contained threats and an admission that he intended to kill her when he drove into the wall. D.W. was arrested and unfortunately sat in jail for seven months on $750,000 bail before hiring Mr. Link. D.W. was subsequently released on house arrest, and rejected the Commonwealth’s offer of 5-10 years in exchange for a guilty plea, instead electing to go to trial. The defense investigation and cross-examination revealed a web of lies that were motivated by the complainant’s jealousy and a desire to cash in with a civil suit against D.W. The defense was even able to prove that the complainant hacked into D.W.’s email account and sent the email herself to frame D.W, who was found not guilty of al charges.

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